Don’t Think Pink

One of the most astounding things about humans is that we’re capable of change. We can change ourselves to adapt to our environments. We can change other things to suit our environments. Our whole evolutionary history is millions of years of seemingly subtle changes...

Celebrities, Drugs, and You

Does celebrity drug use really encourage other people to drink or use drugs? I’ve often wondered that. It seems like this question is similar to the one that asks if media violence prompts real-life violence. In other blogs, we’ve discussed how celebrities, especially...

Overeating and Food Addictions

We’ve been talking a lot lately about whether Halloween relates to drinking alcohol and sugar addictions. We might as well discuss other conditions that might relate to the holiday: overeating and food addictions. Heavens knows I worry about eating too much,...

Is Sugar Addiction Real?

Halloween’s later this month. What does that mean to you? It means lots of things to me. Costumes, parties, cute little kids trick-or-treating, and interesting decorations are just some of the things I associate with Halloween. And candy. Lots and lots of candy. Even...