All about Methadone

Prescribing methadone has long been a method to treat additions, but it seems as if this drug might be as controversial as it is useful. Methadone is an opiate (opioid). That puts it in the same class of drugs such as codeine, morphine, hydrocodone, fentanyl,...

Drug and Alcohol Costs

Drugs are expensive. Buying them is expensive, of course. But there are so many costs related to drugs. For one, what happens if police pull you over for driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or a specific drug? You might face jail time. You’ll probably also be...

Using Naloxone for Treatment

Municipalities across the United States are taking new approaches to battling drugs and addiction. Some are decriminalizing drugs and sending people to drug education courses instead of sentencing them to jail. Others help addicts find immediate rehab treatment...

The Opiate Crisis: Symptoms and Solutions

What do a Michigan doctor and more than 20,000 prescriptions have in common? The opioid crisis. In April, 2016 the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) released an administrative complaint that alleges that Dr. Kenneth Chun issued more than...