Sniffing glue is one of the cheapest ways that people get high. However, it is also very dangerous. People have been using glue to get high for hundreds of years. Of all the inhalants, solvent glue is one that is commonly used. Some others include the following:

  • Cleaners
  • Aerosol sprays
  • Other household cleaners and chemicals

Some of the most common forms of sniffing glue are rubber cement and model glue. Inhalants are used often by adolescents because they are cheaper and easier to access. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, they note that inhalants are the main substances that are used more by younger adolescents than older teenagers. If you have become addicted to sniffing glue, now is the time to seek addiction rehab help.

Sniffing Glue Dangers

It can be life-threatening to sniff glue. Even if you don’t have a fatal reaction to sniffing glue, there are many significant risks that go along with abusing inhalants. These include severe breathing issues and brain damage. Not everyone has the same experiences when they sniff glue. Someone could have more severe effects than the next person. With that being said, it is never safe to sniff glue. Some of the more severe risks that are associated with sniffing glue include the following:

Acute Respiratory Failure

This could be fatal. It happens when the glue sniffing impairs your breathing and affects your lungs as well. There isn’t enough oxygen flowing throughout your body when you sniff glue. The use of any inhalants or even alcohol can lead to acute respiratory failure. Ongoing abuse can lead to chronic acute respiratory failure. Sometimes this condition can cause someone to go into a coma.

Brain Damage

If you sniff glue or any other type of inhalant, especially those which have naphthalene or toluene in them, you can damage the covering around your brain’s nerve fibers, along with the other areas of your nervous system. The damage that is caused can lead to long-term issues with your brain functioning. It can even cause neurological issues similar to what is seen with MS.

Disturbances to Your Heart Rhythm

The chemical exposure can cause issues with your heart, even arrhythmias. Sometimes these abnormal heart rhythms can cause a fatal reaction. This is often called SSDS or sudden sniffing death syndrome. It can even happen after only sniffing glue just once.

If you have sniffed glue and need to get help to stop before you experience these dangerous side effects, be sure to call an addiction rehab center.

Serious Health Risks That Happen When Sniffing Glue

In addition to the above-mentioned dangers, there are some other serious health risks associated with glue sniffing. These risks include the following:

  • Liver damage
  • Seizures
  • Choking (usually from vomiting)
  • Kidney damage
  • Injuries (usually from a car accident or fall)

You may be able to get help before any of these things happen. You just need to call into an addiction treatment center today to get the help you need.

Other Symptoms of Glue Sniffing

There are many other serious symptoms you might encounter if you have been sniffing glue. Some of these are short-term while others are long-term. These include the following:

  • Smelling like chemicals
  • Odorous breath
  • Glue sniffing rash (usually around the mouth and mid-range of your face)
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Seeming to be intoxicated
  • Mood swings
  • Belligerent
  • Losing interest in activities you once enjoyed
  • A decline in concentration, thinking, and decision making
  • Numbness
  • Issues in personal relationships
  • Tingling in feet and hands
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of coordination
  • Apathy
  • Hearing loss
  • Impaired judgment
  • Losing consciousness

Don’t let these symptoms continue to happen to you. They could become even more severe. You can get the help you need from an addiction treatment center today.

Benefits from Getting High on Glue

Many people want to know if there are any benefits to getting high on glue. While you may feel temporarily euphoric or have hallucinations, these aren’t safe to encounter by getting high. They only last a little bit and aren’t worth any risks you might do your health while sniffing glue. You should never attempt to sniff glue or inhale any other chemicals either.

Glue Sniffing Treatments

If you have been sniffing glue or you know someone who has, there are many treatments that can help you stop doing this. Some of the treatments include the following:

Physical Examination

The doctor will check to see if you have any lung issues, kidney damage, liver damage, heart rhythm issues, central nervous system damage, or brain damage. Chemicals in glue and inhalants will stay in your fatty tissues for many weeks. This means that it will stay in your body well after you have quit using glue.

Neurological testing

This is very important for the treatment process. Your doctor will see if there is any permanent damage to your brain or memory. Your emotional and mental health will also be evaluated by a professional therapist.

Therapy sessions

If you have been sniffing glue, you may also need to attend therapy sessions. These sessions will help to determine the underlying issues to why you have been abusing glue and help you find peer support groups for healthier relationships and influences.

The main goal of treatment is to avoid inhaling drugs of any kind. Younger people who are getting treatment will learn life skills as well to help them make healthier decisions in their future. The therapy sessions might include working in a group, art therapy, or music therapy. You might take part in recreational activities that stimulate all your senses. These can be extremely beneficial. You may also attend family therapy, relapse prevention education sessions, peer support groups, cognitive behavioral therapy, and more. During treatment you will learn to better understand your feelings, so you can avoid abusing drugs or chemicals in the future.

Those who have been inhaling glue may have a limited attention span, especially earlier in their therapy sessions. For this reason, the sessions might be limited to ½ an hour maximum. The rehab program will probably be more than 1 month, mostly because the chemicals are still in the person’s body for a long time.

Sniffing glue is very dangerous. Doing so can cause both short and long-term damage to one’s health and body. It can even be deadly. If you have been sniffing glue, get the help you need today.