What Is the Opioid Crisis? 

What Is the Opioid Crisis? You’ve undoubtedly heard of the opioid epidemic. There are more than 2 million Americans who are dependent upon or addicted to prescription pain medications or street drugs. Opioid drugs are used to help in the reduction of pain, and...

What Is Kratom?

What Is Kratom? If you travel West across the globe, it’s unlikely you’ll hear much of anything positive about kratom. In the United States in 2016, the CDC reported that poison control centers were receiving 10 times as many calls as they had in 2010 for...

Is Vaping Addictive?

Is Vaping Addictive? What The Research Says You might have heard about the use of e-cigarettes (electronic cigarettes) or use them yourself. There has also been a considerable amount of discussion about vaping, which is the practice of using e-cigarettes by inhaling...

What Are Opioids?

Opiates are derived from the opium plant and come in natural and synthetic forms. Many prescription painkillers are opiates, as well as heroin. Oftentimes those who are prescribed pain pills to help manage pain become addicted to the pills, finding it very difficult...

What To Expect At Your First AA Meeting

Most people are a bit nervous attending their first Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meeting. That’s to be expected, as you’re entering an unfamiliar environment in an unfamiliar stage in your life. Having anxiety about the unknown is normal, and you can combat...