The Opioid Epidemic

We keep hearing news reports about the opioid epidemic? What is it? What are opioids? Are we really experiencing an opioid epidemic? Opioids might sound exotic, but they’re really just one category of drugs. Opioids are drugs related to opium. Opiates are another term...

Finding Happiness

Happy. We all want to be happy, but how many of us truly are? Maybe we’re setting the wrong goals. Maybe we should appreciate happiness when we have it and acknowledge that it’s impossible to be happy 100% of the time. Expecting to be happy all of the time is setting...

Finding Success After Rehab

Success means many things to many people. For people dealing with drug and alcohol problems, success might be a painful word. Drug and alcohol abuse can prevent people from achieving their definitions of success. If people consider success to be making lots of money...

Elvis Didn’t Have to Die

Today marks the thirty-ninth anniversary of Elvis Presley’s death. Elvis was only forty-two when he died, so he would’ve been eighty-one years old. Instead of reaching the age of a senior citizen, though, Elvis died in the prime of his life. Who knows what he would...

Is Drug Use Acceptable?

Is it acceptable to use drugs? It seems like it depends on who you ask. Recreational drug use is very popular. Many areas of the United States, from New Hampshire to Florida to Michigan to Alaska, and all parts in between, are struggling with high levels of drug...