Focus in Recovery

People experiencing addiction and recovery might have difficulty with both. Addiction and recovery can also be difficult for their friends and family members. Addiction causes a ripple effect that affects practically every aspect of a person’s life. Substance use...

Committing to Recovery

Proper care can do so much to help treat drug and alcohol abuse. Not everyone approaches this care 100% willingly, however. Some people enter rehab because they’ve overdosed or experienced another serious medical condition related to alcohol and drug abuse. These...

Building Confidence, Stopping the Questions

Do you ask yourself a lot of questions? Do you question yourself often? Questions are a part of life. But if we’re constantly questioning ourselves and if the questions are preventing us from making decisions or taking actions, we might have a problem. Constantly...

Recovery and Relationships

If you’ve successfully completed drug or alcohol rehab, congratulations! Your hard work and struggles have led to a great accomplishment. As you’re probably discovering, your hard work and struggles aren’t done. You’re still trying to navigate the world in new ways....

Helping the Relatives of Addicts

Relationships can be tricky enough during good times. If people are abusing drugs or alcohol, or even if they’re in recovery from such abuse, relationships can be even more difficult. When people are abusing substances, drugs or alcohol seem to become the third person...

Dealing with a Toxic Family

Many people leave drug and alcohol rehab only to discover that they still have work to do. This work relates to the people in their lives. Sadly, some people have toxic families or toxic family members. Toxic family members are family members who behave in ways that...