5 Basic Methods to Stay Sober When Recovering from Alcohol and Drug Abuse

When you first start out with recovery, it can feel like the world has collapsed, and you’re not quite sure how to reenter it. Relapse rates are high, especially in the first day of sobriety. But there are still some powerful tools you can use to keep yourself on track and prevent future relapse.

Keep a consistent schedule. If you work, try to wake up at the same time each day and go to bed at the same time each night. This will help you to cultivate healthy habits and contribute to positive mental health. Knowing what to expect out of your day can help you to curb anxiety and even cravings.

Sleep is crucial for staying in shape, for keeping your mind in tip-top shape, for easing anxiety. For many, sleep is the difference between a good and bad day. Sleep also helps the body to heal—and that’s a big element of recovery—healing the body after it’s been abused.

When your body is nourished, your mind will be as well. You’ll feel stronger in your recovery when you’re treating yourself well and staying healthy through a balanced diet. Leafy green vegetables, colorful fruits, healthy fat, lean meats, and whole-grain fibers are a the key components of a nutritious, fulfilling diet that will keep you healthy.

Exercise can help to heal your brain and damaged parts of your body. It can also help with sleep and appetite—the endorphins released when you exercise will help to relax you and improve your mood.

How easily we forget the parts of life that we care about the most. Take time each day to write down what you’re thankful for—family and friends, those small things that get you throughout the day.

Even though relapse is common and even expected, you can still navigate your day with emphasis on important habits. While cravings are inevitable, you can gain strength each day with the small things that you do—rather than reach for drugs or alcohol.

Are alcohol and drugs ruining your life?

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Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance use disorder, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

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