Fighting Your Triggers

Triggers. The very word hints at guns, at violence. That makes it an appropriate word to use when discussing substance use disorder. That’s because substance use disorder is violent. Like physical violence, substance use disorder can dramatically change a person’s...

Abstinence, Sobriety, and Recovery

Abstinence. It’s a word you often hear in recovery circles. It’s funny, but I’ve always heard it in terms of sex and eating. It must be a product of my religious education as a kid. In those religious teachings, abstaining from sex means not having sex. Abstaining...

Understanding Addicts

We don’t know someone until we walk a mile in someone else’s shoes, according to that old phrase. This phrase is partially true with addiction. We don’t exactly know what it’s like to abuse drugs or alcohol unless we’ve done those things ourselves. But that doesn’t...

Focus in Recovery

People experiencing addiction and recovery might have difficulty with both. Addiction and recovery can also be difficult for their friends and family members. Addiction causes a ripple effect that affects practically every aspect of a person’s life. Substance use...