Fear of Success

Recovery is an ongoing process. While rehab can be a great tool, it’s only the beginning. Many factors lead to people’s addictions and their entry into rehab. Rehab facilities help people identify and address these factors, but rehab isn’t magic. It’s not some magic...

Fake It Until You Make It

“Fake it until you make it” is a phrase we often hear when we’re discussing mental health. While a lot of similar-sounding, rhyming phrases seem overly cutesy, this phrase can be useful. It can especially be useful when we’re treating mental health and substance use...

Mindset and Recovery

“Baseball is ninety percent mental and the other half is physical,” famed baseball player and manager Yogi Berra once supposedly said. While Berra’s math might be suspect, we see his point. Sports are both physical and mental. Substance use disorder is also both...

Being Confident

Confidence is an interesting thing. Having confidence in ourselves can help us in so many ways. On the other hand, if we don’t have self-confidence, this lack of confidence can have negative repercussions on so many areas of our lives. For example, low self-confidence...