Dealing with a Toxic Family

Many people leave drug and alcohol rehab only to discover that they still have work to do. This work relates to the people in their lives. Sadly, some people have toxic families or toxic family members. Toxic family members are family members who behave in ways that...

Anger Is Powerful

“You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry,” is what Bruce Banner says when describing the creature he periodically becomes, the Incredible Hulk. Luckily, we don’t deal with anger the exact same way as Bruce Banner. But we all have at least a little of the Incredible...

Just in Time

At first, this post might seem like a departure from what we usually talk about around here. But if you stick with me, you’ll see that it relates to our overall general conversation. The topic of this post is time management. Yeah, that makes it sound as if our post...

You’re Good Enough

Do you know about the Stuart Smalley sketches on the program Saturday Night Live? These sketches starred comedian (and now U.S. senator) Al Franken as the character Stuart Smalley, who hosted a fictional show called Daily Affirmation with Stuart Smalley. As part of...

Thinking Makes It So

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so,” said Hamlet in the play of the same name. This a good quote for people recovering from drug or alcohol abuse. How we view things can have such an impact on our recovery and how we face our lives in...